Saturday, October 3, 2009

Listening to the Audience Cheer

I'm in my office, trying to grade papers and write tests, but am constantly pulled into the Beaudoin Theatre, just across the wall. The audience is laughing, clapping, even shouting their appreciation of the performance of The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (Abridged) directed by CREA/Philosophy senior Paul Mayer. The three-man cast is built of Computer Science majors, Matthew Kemmer in his first-ever theatrical performance and Steve Maggio in his third. Francis Stanton graduates this year.  This cast captivated their audience, performing so naturally and enthusiastically that we cannot help but be proud. Alex Walkers Costumes and Props evoked the chaos the play introduces so gleefully. The precision of the performance was made possible by Assistant Director Will Frenzel, Stage Manager Jess Brennan, Assistant Stage Manager Brigitta Giulianelli.
The photos show the crowds of family and friends I caught in the lobby once I got my camera out.  Will try to get better photos posted when good photography is available.


Ralph Blasting said...

I couldn't agree more with Pat. Paul, cast and crew did an outstanding job. This show could easily have become an unfocused, imprecise goof-fest which would have collapsed under its own weight in 20 minutes. Instead, it was performed with discipline and precision, giving the APPEARANCE of chaos. I laughed out loud several times -- and I never laugh out loud. Congrats, and thanks. -- Ralph

Big Tiny said...

You could light a small city for 24 hours on the energy these guys put forth. Come to think of it, they did pour enough energy into the near-capacity house the night that I saw it, that we practically had to scrape the audience off the ceiling and call in the paramedics.

Chuck Rothman said...

Excellent performance; the play is very difficult to perform, and yet you made it seem effortless. A real highlight.